Sign your waiver!

Waivers are important to the operation of our club. We moved to online waivers this year to minimize the need to have volunteers collect and organize paper copies. We know this is a change and we appreciate your patience while we all make the transition.

If you are seeing this message, it looks like your membership may have expired. You can either renew online immediately and sign your waiver at the same time (see instructions below), or you can reach out to the BayLands Registrar and renew your membership offline. If you renew offline, it may take some time for things to update on the website. Please be patient.

You can renew your membership right now, following these steps:

  • Go to your profile – and then click on Orders on the left of the page. 
  • You will see your pending renewal with a Pay now button.
  • Click on that button and follow the instructions.

Were you a BayLands Benefactor in the past, or do you want to become one this year? You can do that too. Just go to Members -> Donations, BayLands Benefactor before checking out and look for the option that suits you.
