The Seattle Frontrunners is hosting its annual Run & Walk with Pride on Saturday, June 25 at 9 am in Seward Park, Seattle, WA. Sign up and participate to support a fellow Frontrunners club and the Run & Walk with Pride’s beneficiaries Peer Seattle and GenPride. Signup and additional information at
Fun Runs
Rancho Runs are back!

With the arrival of Daylight Saving Time, runs at Rancho San Antonio County Park in Cupertino are back. Runs (and walks) currently start at 6 pm (6:30 pm May – August) PDT on Wednesdays. The meetup location is stretching location near the lower parking lot. Dinner afterwards at a place chosen by those gathered. Join […]
2022 Monthly Run/Walk Series

For 2022, BayLands Frontrunners (BLFR) will hold a monthly run/walk series. Each month’s event will include either participating in an organized race in the Bay Area or a timed run/walk at the Baylands following our club’s Saturday morning circle-up. The organized events provide 5k or 10k distances and some even include a half marathon option. […]
Regular Activities Return

At long last, BayLands FrontRunners’ regular activities start to return, starting this Wednesday, May 26 at 6:30pm with our mid-week run at the Rancho San Antonio County Park. The park is fully open, but trails less than 6 ft wide have been designated one-way trails. Most notably, this affects the Upper Wildcat Canyon trail – […]
Update on 2020 Race Series
Over the past several months, a few FrontRunners have been participating in virtual events for the BLFR Race Series 2020: It’s a nice way to stay active and motivated and to mark the passage of time. However, COVID has changed the format for the summer. Since we’re getting closer to fall, I am announcing that […]
Virtual Festival of Running

Hello Baylanders! Here is an opportunity to support another International Frontrunners club, shared by one of our members: His friend Russell and his husband Alan are members of the Newcastle Frontrunners in the UK and are organizing a virtual 5k on July 19th. Some of you may have met them as they were here to […]