568 Bellevue Ave
Oakland, CA 94610
EBFRW’s 14th Annual Pride Run and Walk is scheduled for Oct. 14, 2017 at 9AM, and they want you to be a part of it! Join them at the beautiful Lake Merritt in downtown Oakland for a 10K run, 5K run, or 5K walk. It is a great opportunity to meet runners and walkers from other Bay Area FrontRunner clubs. We will plan to go out for brunch afterwards and perhaps stroll through Oakland’s popular Farmer’s Market.
You can register on-line at: http://www.eastbayfrontrunners.org/PrideRun.aspx
Pre-registration is $25. Same day registration at the event is $30. Every registered participant will receive a pair of rainbow-colored EBFRW running socks. Don’t miss out!
BayLand FrontRunner participants can carpool from the Bayland’s Athletic Center parking lot, leaving by 7:30 on the morning of the event. If you’re interested in carpooling contact Bruce Christenson (email above).